Multiple Monitors, Vista, UltraMon 3 Beta
Am an avid supporter of multi-monitor set-ups. Once you end up using two or more screens - it’s very hard to go back down to one.
At the moment my set-up consists of:
2x Samsung 940B’s
1x IBM/Lenovo Advanced Mini Dock
1x T60 [ATI Mobility Radeon x1400]
Works quite well, as soon as it’s docked, it recognises the two monitors (one plugged in using VGA, other DVI), and off it goes.
In Windows, it’s quite simple - plug in another monitor, and through Display Settings - select where each screen is relatively to the others.
Unfortunately, even in Windows Vista - 5th Version of the monolithic, GUI - OS [95,98, 2000,XP, ->Vista), it is has yet to cater for a spanning taskbar, one that would cross all monitors.
That and other shortcomings are fixed by a nice program called UltraMon. It allows for a multitude of features concerning multiple monitors. One’s that I use:
- the spanning taskbar
- Windows Title Bar
Puts icons near the close button of the window, that allow you to quickly with a click, move the windows to another monitor, or stretch it across all monitors
- Wallpaper
Finally - a tool which looks at setting distinct wallpapers for each screen, that is easy to use, and is persistent across reboots as well as docking/undocking my T60
Now with UltraMon 3 Beta - you can finally use it in Vista.
Several problems though:
Docking the laptop - Causes multiple taskbars to be rendered on the secondary display
Freezing whenever some applications are launched - ie. FileZilla
With all these, am still a hapy camper, and absolutely love the app. Just hope they hurry up, and release the final.